#ImDoingItForMe Self-Love Movement: Week 5 Check-In


It’s week 5 of our Self-Love Movement #ImDoingItForMe and so far, we’ve focused on your movement goal, your nourishment goal, your self-love goal, and your healthy habits goal. This week, it’s time to turn up the heat, so we’re asking you to complete 2 of your Weekly Progress Rings on the Baby2Body app. All 4 of the rings will help you live happier and healthier, so it’s important we start to build them all into our weekly routines. This week, you could pick your two favorite rings, the rings you struggled with the most, or a combination - it’s entirely up to you. Next week, we’ll be working together to complete all 4 rings.

Today, we’re reminding you of the top 3 things you can do to succeed in this challenge and build healthy habits that last.

We’d love to know how you’ve been finding this challenge so far, so share your journey with us on Instagram @baby2bodyofficial, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #ImDoingItForMe! If you haven’t joined our self-love movement yet, don’t worry, it’s not too late. Find out everything you need to know about the challenge here and jump straight in at week 5. 

1. Find your motivation to live happier and healthier

We can’t say it enough, one of the biggest keys to success in this challenge - and any new challenge or lifestyle change you take on - is finding your intrinsic motivation. We’ve talked about this before at Baby2Body, but here’s a quick recap: 

Extrinsic (or external) motivators - like rewards or praise -  can be great to set you on the right path to achieve short-term goals, but once you’ve been rewarded, there’s usually not much incentive to carry on with the practices you learned whilst working towards your goal. Studies show that finding your intrinsic (or internal) motivation - things like feeling fulfilled or finding enjoyment - can increase persistence, improve psychological wellbeing, and enhance overall performance.

Whilst the theory of extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation is often applied to sports psychology and physical activity, we can use the same logic when we’re thinking about any healthy habits we are building into our lives. If we know why we need a better fitness routine, better nourishment and diet, or more self-love, our ability to build and stick to routines will be increased. 

Remember why you joined this movement and fill in the blanks… 

I'm Doing It For ______

I'm Doing It For ______

I'm Doing It For ______


Share your motivation with us on Instagram and inspire other mamas who are on this journey. Need some inspiration? Check out this post.

Find out more about Why Intrinsic Motivation Is So Powerful (And How To Develop It)

2. Continue to build your routine slowly 

Research shows that implementing new habits slowly is the key to success and that’s what we’ve been doing throughout this Self-Love Movement. Now, in week 5, it’s time to take the next step and incorporate 2 habits into your routine.

Building your routine in this way gives you the time to learn, enjoy, and not feel overwhelmed. You can do it, mama! 

3. Track your progress so you can stay on track

We’re not just saying this… one of the best and most motivating ways to build and stick to a routine is to track your progress, and you’ve already got that at your fingertips with Baby2Body! Logging your progress and activities is a great way to see everything you’ve been doing and keep momentum as you move through your week.

Everything you do on the app will count towards your weekly progress rings and you can also add any extra activities you do, like swimming or running.

Have a question about our Self-Love Movement or want to share your progress? Let us know in the comments!


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