Does It Really Take Just 21 Days To Form A Habit?

Does It Really Take Just 21 Days To Form A Habit?

You’ve probably heard that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, but we’re here to tell you… that’s not really true. The myth that it takes 21 days to form a habit comes from Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s 1960s book “Psycho-Cybernetics”. But according to more recent research, it can take anywhere from 18-254 days for someone to form a new habit, and on average it takes 66 days. 

If you’ve been following along with our Self-Love Movement, you probably know by now that new habits are formed through repeated actions over an extended period of time. When those actions become automatic to you (i.e. you don’t have to consciously think before you do them) they have become habits.

There are lots of variables that affect how long it takes someone to form a new habit, and that’s why there’s no “magic number” of days you need to form a new habit. Some psychologists suggest that any habits which immediately give us “intense feelings of pleasure” are going to be formed quickly, but any tasks that don’t offer that feeling will take longer to form into habits.

So, why are we telling you all this? 

Well, it’s the final week of our Self-Love Movement #ImDoingItForMe and we’re asking you to close all 4 of your Weekly Progress Rings in the Baby2Body app

If you joined our movement on the 3rd of January, you’ve already spent 35 days working towards your Movement, Nourishment, Self-Love, and Healthy Habits goals, and by the end of this week, you’ll have done 42 days! That’s an incredible achievement and you’re well on your way to forming habits and new routines that last. 

Remember though, forming new habits takes anywhere from 18-254 days and that number will be different for everyone. So even those this challenge is coming to an end, your journey doesn’t stop here. Each week, we want you to keep working towards closing all 4 of those rings so you can create lasting habits.

Check out these Top 3 Tips For Taking The Healthy Habits You’ve Learned To The Next Level.

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#ImDoingItForMe Self-Love Movement: Week 5 Check-In