Skincare & Haircare
in Postpartum
Guidance and tips to help you feel your best and navigate postpartum hormones affecting your skin and hair.
Rosemary Oil For Postpartum Hair Growth? Here's The Low Down
If you've been on TikTok recently, you may have noticed a trend for using rosemary hair oil. In fact, the #RosemaryOilForHairGrowth has over 145 million views! Today, we're taking a closer look at the rosemary hair oil TikTok trend and exploring the benefits and potential drawbacks of using this product on your hair and how that might impact postpartum hair growth.
What You Need To Know About Switching To A Natural Deodorant
Have you thought about (or tried) making the switch to natural deodorant? We’re talking about what natural deodorant actually is, why it works for some people but not others, how to make the switch, and what using natural deodorant means for your body.
7 Nutrients That Support Postpartum Hair Regrowth
Postpartum hair loss can take many new mothers by surprise, but it’s all due to pregnancy hormones that change our natural hair growth cycle. We’re covering what you need to know about healthy hair during pregnancy and postpartum and what nutrients support hair health the most, so you can make sure you’re getting the vitamins you need!
A More Mindful Skincare Routine, With Baby2Body Health & Wellness Coach
A few weeks ago we launched our Self-Care Tool Kit with Lou Murray on our app. It's 12 weeks' worth of video lessons with Lou and over 25 guided exercises and meditations that help you practice powerful self-care, self-compassion, and self-love during motherhood. It's not about pampering yourself, or long bubble baths, it's about building habits of loving yourself in the way you deserve, and in the way you need to feel your best.