A More Mindful Skincare Routine, With Baby2Body Health & Wellness Coach

A few weeks ago we launched our Self-Care Tool Kit with Lou Murray on our app. It's 12 weeks' worth of video lessons with Lou and over 25 guided exercises and meditations that help you practice powerful self-care, self-compassion, and self-love during motherhood. It's not about pampering yourself, or long bubble baths, it's about building habits of loving yourself in the way you deserve, and in the way you need to feel your best.

The Self-Care Tool Kit is exclusively available in the first few months of postpartum because we know how critical this time is. But since we've launched it and received such positive feedback, we'll be making this program available to all of our Baby2Body mamas very soon, so keep an eye out!

One of the key concepts that Lou builds on in your Self-Care Tool Kit sessions is mindfulness. She is a certified Mindfulness Coach and relies on the power of daily mindfulness as a mother of four herself. Today, she's sharing a simple way to bring more mindfulness into your daily life by combining it with your skincare routine.

We know that finding any time for yourself is hard to do, especially with a new baby at home, but that's where the power of mindfulness comes in. It's not about taking more time to do something, it's about being more intentional and present with the time you do have. It's a simple concept, but it has lasting positive impacts as it can train your brain to more actively focus on your current situation, helping you feel calmer and more in control of whatever is going on in your life. It's incredible how simple practices and habits can trickle into other areas of our life, and that's what this mindfulness exercise is all about. Here's Lou to walk you through it:

A Mindful Skincare Session with Lou Murray

I want to show you how you can give your skincare routine a mindful makeover. Your skincare routine is a perfect opportunity to build the habit of mindfulness into your day. Even small moments of truly being present are incredibly beneficial. So here are my top tips…

Tip 1. Slow down your product application

When we slow down even the smallest amount it allows us to move through an activity with greater attention and become fully present in your moment. Slowing down ever so slightly won't significantly increase the time it takes you to apply your skincare. But it will significantly transform your skincare routine into an act of self-love you can look forward to, rather than just another task on your to-do list.

So as you apply your cleanser, creams, and serums pay close attention to the textures. How do they feel on your skin? Take that time to massage products properly into your skin, feeling it absorb all the goodness. This thoughtful application will also help maximize the effectiveness of each product too as you'll really be working it into the skin.

Tip 2: Focus on your sense of smell

Use the sense of smell to anchor yourself in the present moment. Deeply inhale and appreciate the different fragrances of your skincare routine. Connecting to the scents of your skincare regime can transform it into a beautiful, energizing ritual.

Tip 3: Set the mood for the next day

I like to add a bit more mindful purpose to the end of my skincare routine by using essential oils. You can pop a drop of your favourite essential oil into the palm of your hands, rub them together and then gently cup your hands over your face and take three long, deep purposeful breaths.

The key to using essential oils for mindfulness is to find an oil or blend that resonates with your current mood or situation. In the mornings, essential oils that help energize you for the day or relieve any to-do list tension are perfect. I love frankincense for grounding and easing away stressful thoughts, and citrus oils for an energy boost. I find using essential oils right after my skincare routine makes me more likely to take that time for it. It's only 3 deep breaths, so simple.

Tip 4: Add a masking meditation session to your skincare routine

If you have a bit more time on your hands, a face masking session is an ideal way to relax into 5 or 10  minutes of guided mindful meditation. I try to make this a weekly activity, when possible. While your mask is working its magic, find a comfortable seat and let your breath settle into an easy inhale and exhale pattern.

Notice how the mask is making your skin feel, and how it smells. Pay attention to how your breath rises and falls and how your body is feeling. You may have thoughts come into your head, either from things that happened yesterday or things you need to do later in the day, but simply recognize those thoughts and let them pass. Bring yourself back to that present moment.

So there you have it  – 4 simple ways you can give your skincare routine a mindful makeover.  Why not give a couple of these tips a try the next time you go through your skincare routine?

For more mindfulness guidance and self-care inspiration from Lou, be sure to download the Baby2Body app and check out her Self-Care Tool Kit today.

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VP Content Strategy at Body Collective


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