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About Baby2Body
Baby2Body is the #1 Pregnancy Wellness App, with personalized wellness plans designed for the female body. Coaching women through fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum.
Contact & Inquiries.
If you’re a member of the press and are looking to cover Baby2Body or want expert commentary on topics related to prenatal and postpartum lifestyle, please contact our team.
Backed By Research.
Baby2Body receives highest total score in large-scale research study, outperforming WebMD Pregnancy, Ovia, and Pregnancy+
International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, January 2023
Baby2Body ranked 5th out of 54 pregnancy exercise apps for overall performance and impact on women's health
International Journal of Exercise Science, April 2021
Baby2Body's exercise guidance, safety, and quality is independently reviewed and scored as a top Pregnancy Exercise app
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, January 2022