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About Baby2Body

Baby2Body is the #1 Pregnancy Wellness App, with personalized wellness plans designed for the female body. Coaching women through fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum.

Contact & Inquiries.

If you’re a member of the press and are looking to cover Baby2Body or want expert commentary on topics related to prenatal and postpartum lifestyle, please contact our team.

Backed By Research.

  • Baby2Body receives highest total score in large-scale research study, outperforming WebMD Pregnancy, Ovia, and Pregnancy+

    International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, January 2023

  • Baby2Body ranked 5th out of 54 pregnancy exercise apps for overall performance and impact on women's health

    International Journal of Exercise Science, April 2021

  • Baby2Body's exercise guidance, safety, and quality is independently reviewed and scored as a top Pregnancy Exercise app

    JMIR mHealth and uHealth, January 2022