Conceptionmoons: Could A Vacation Help You Conceive?

Last week, we talked about babymoons, a vacation couples take before baby is born as a way to relax and connect. But have you ever heard of a ‘conceptionmoon’? A conceptionmoon is… well, it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a vacation that couples take when they are trying to conceive. But the question is, can a vacation really help you to conceive? 

Before we get into it, if you've been trying to conceive for a while it's important to know that it is normal for it to take time, even without any fertility issues. According to the NHS, 92% of couples aged 19-26 having regular sex without contraception will get pregnant within 1 year, and 98% will get pregnant after 2 years. If you’re aged 25-39, 82% will get pregnant within 1 year, and around 90% will fall pregnant after 2 years. ‘Regular sex’ means having sex every 2-3 days throughout the month and is the most effective way to get pregnant. Whilst some couples will try to plan sex around ovulation, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) advises that this can be stressful and therefore doesn’t recommend it. 

Does a conceptionmoon really improve the chance of conceiving? 

Research on conceptionmoons is limited, but one survey conducted by Baby Center found that of 1000 participants, 40% of those who took conceptionmoons conceived whilst on vacation. The research into the reasons why a conceptionmoon might help conceive is also limited but there’s thought to be one reason in particular they work: vacations aren’t usually stressful…

How could a conceptionmoon or vacation help you conceive?

There’s no sure-fire way to improve your chances of conceiving, but one thing we do know about trying to conceive is that stress does not help. We talk a lot about the importance of managing stress in your life to benefit your overall wellbeing. It's true that unmanaged stress - over time - can take a serious toll on your health, and that can impact your fertility. What chronic stress does is suppress your regular hormone function, which can interfere with ovulation and sperm function, making it harder to get pregnant. Stress alone does not cause infertility, and in any TTC journey, you will get stressed, and that's OK. What you can do is practice stress-coping mechanisms that work for you.

That’s where a conceptionmoon comes in: usually, a vacation is a time to unwind, relax, and de-stress. It’s thought that being away from everyday life and stressors could help to conceive, although more research is needed to prove this. Who doesn’t need an excuse for a vacation though?

What to do if you can’t get away on a vacation or conceptionmoon

There are many ways to reduce stress levels day-to-day. You can try some meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises (hint: we have all of this in the Baby2Body app!). 

To de-stress and relax with your partner, try an at-home date night. Have dinner just the two of you: no phones, no TV, no distractions. After, watch a movie you’ve always wanted to watch but never made time for, or play a game, or take a walk. And then… check out our article on How To Keep Sex Fun When You're Trying To Conceive.

Have you ever heard of a conceptionmoon before? Or maybe you’ve been on one yourself? Let us know in the comments!

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