Join Our Self-Love Movement #ImDoingItForMe


Mamas, we know you spend so much time caring for others. But as we move into the new year, it’s time to bring the focus back to you! 2021 took us on a journey and if we’ve learned anything, it’s that the time is now. It’s time to make 2022 all about YOU

Get ready to focus on your nutritional, emotional, and physical health by building healthy habits and reaching weekly goals, so you can live happier and healthier. Every move you make now will impact you and your baby’s future, from the food and nutrients you eat to the amount of exercise you do.

Throughout our #ImDoingItForMe campaign, we’ll be challenging you to build healthy habits and close your Weekly Progress Rings on the Baby2Body app. You might find a new love for working out, discover a new favorite recipe or even find a method to make yourself feel calm amidst the chaos through meditation. Whatever it is, you’ll be able to take your new habits into the rest of your motherhood journey.

To see a change in your life, your health, and your happiness, you have to really think about who you’re doing this for and what your motivation is - finding your purpose is what will drive you to make real change. Maybe you’re doing it for your mental health, your physical health, your growing bump, or your future family. Before we go any further, find your motivation and fill in the blanks…

I'm Doing It For ______

I'm Doing It For ______

I'm Doing It For ______


Share your motivation with us on Instagram and tag us @baby2bodyofficial. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ImDoingItForMe.

How do I get involved in the #ImDoingItForMe movement?

Over the next 6-weeks, we’ll be helping you close your Weekly Progress Rings in the Baby2Body app. The first 4 weeks will each focus on a different ring, eventually building your routine to close two rings, and then all four rings.

#ImDoingItForMe challenge baby2body

Week 1 (3rd January - 9th January):

Close your Movement ring

Week 2 (10th January - 16th January):

Close your Nourishment ring

Week 3 (17th January - 23rd January):

Close your self Self-Love ring

Week 4 (24th January - 30th January):

Close your Healthy Habits ring

Week 5 (31st January - 6th February):

Close 2 rings of your choice

Week 6 (7th February - 13th February):

Close all 4 rings 

How do I close my Progress Rings each week?

Everything you do in the Baby2Body app will earn you points that close the Weekly Progress Rings. So, if it’s your Nourishment Ring you want to close, then try making something from the Kitchen or your weekly meal plan, if it’s your Self-Love Ring then try a breathing exercise or guided meditation. 

Week 1 will be all about movement, so head over to the in-app Fitness Studio and get moving mama! You can take it easy with a relaxing yoga flow or get your whole body moving with our newest dance routine. Each time you do a workout, you’ll gain points to close that Movement Ring. 

We’ll be sharing tips every Monday on just how to close those Progress Rings, plus we’ll be sharing a sneak peek of some premium content, so keep your eyes peeled.

What do I do once I reach my goal each week?

Share, share, share! If you achieve your weekly goal you should be shouting about it. Head over to social media and show us just how you achieved your goal and how it made you feel. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ImDoingItForMe

Be sure to follow us on Instagram - we’ll be sharing weekly advice and motivation throughout the challenge. Plus we’ll be picking the most inspiring stories and sharing them on our social media and right here in our blog to help motivate others to join this movement. We’ll also have some giveaways along the way, so keep an eye out! 

Need some motivation and accountability? Head over to our Facebook Squad and join our exclusive community of like-minded women.

What if I reach my goals too quickly?

Firstly, well done you! Of course, it’s awesome to achieve your goals but if you find yourself closing those Progress Rings a little too quickly each week, then it’s time to up the ante. You can make your goals tougher by heading to your preferences and setting higher goals for the week. Don’t over do it, but it’s good to challenge yourself.

Let’s do it mamas!

Ok, let’s get ready to start this challenge mamas! We’ll officially be starting on the 3rd of January, but it’s never too early to kick-start those healthy habits. Head over to the app right now to start exploring all our features and get ready to go.

Don’t forget, you’re doing this challenge for YOU mama. It’s all about your health, your happiness, and your goals! We’ll be here for you every step of the way. 


Why Intrinsic Motivation Is So Powerful (And How To Develop It)