5 Exercises To Prepare For Pregnancy 

If you’re actively trying to conceive or thinking of having a baby in the future, it's a good idea to prepare your mind and body for the challenges of pregnancy. We’re sharing key exercises that can help strengthen key muscles that will support your bump as baby grows and into postpartum recovery as well.

5 exercises to prepare for pregnancy 

  1. Strengthen the core

    When you’re trying to conceive, engage in routines that involve planks, pelvic tilts, and yoga poses that target the core.

    A strong core is essential for supporting the growing uterus and maintaining good posture during pregnancy. Exercises focusing on the core muscles, such as the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor, can help prevent back pain and maintain stability throughout your pregnancy.

  2. Pelvic floor exercises

    The stronger your pelvic floor muscles are the less damage they are likely to sustain during pregnancy and birth — and the faster they will spring back to shape afterward as well. Working on pelvic floor strength can also reduce the risk of vaginal birth complications. Basically, a strong pelvic floor is an essential component of supporting your body during pregnancy & postpartum — and doing a few minutes a day will build into a strong pelvic floor over time. 

  3. Yoga and stretching

    Yoga is an excellent choice if you’re trying to conceive. Yoga can support stress reduction, muscle tone development, increased strength, improved breathing, healthy weight maintenance, and better circulation overall. In fact, the noted physical and psychological benefits of yoga have led some infertility experts to recommend yoga as a supplemental stress relief to couples undergoing IVF or using assisted reproductive technologies (ART). 

    Try our Fertility Flow here! 

  4. Strength training

    Building and maintaining muscle strength is great for your preconception health. Good strength and muscle will help you avoid aches and pains as your bump grows, prepare for labor, and aid post-birth recovery. Incorporate weightlifting or bodyweight exercises to improve muscle tone and keep your joints stable.

  5. Balance and stability exercises

    During pregnancy, your center of gravity will shift as bump grows, making balance and stability crucial for avoiding falls and injuries. Incorporate exercises that challenge your balance, such as single-leg stands and stability ball exercises, to prepare your body for these changes.

The right exercises in ttc can enhance your overall well-being and prepare your body for baby. Remember that everyone's body is different, so listening to your body and adapting your exercise routine is crucial.

If you’re looking for an expert-backed fitness program for TTC, head over to the Baby2Body app and get a personalized fitness plan! Our weekly programs will incorporate all of the exercises you need to prepare for pregnancy. And remember, before starting any exercise routine, it's essential to get clearance from your doctor.

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