10 Amazon Essentials To Survive The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

Congratulations, you’re having a baby! Your first few weeks of pregnancy are an exciting time as you prepare to bring a new life into the world. But you may be wondering how to handle all of the challenges that the first trimester brings such as morning sickness, heartburn, and fatigue.

We’ve got our full First Trimester Survival Guide here, which covers how to deal with all the symptoms you might be experiencing. Today, we’re bringing you 10 essential products curated to help you survive and thrive during your first trimester — think of it as a quick cheat sheet on how you can make the next few weeks run a little smoother.

10 Amazon essentials to survive the first trimester:

  1. Ginger tea

    Nausea and morning sickness are common challenges during the first trimester. Drinking ginger tea can help alleviate the symptoms, soothing your digestive system and providing much-needed relief. 

    You can get ginger tea here for £6.

  2. Heartburn remedy

    Heartburn is a common discomfort experienced by many women during the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes and the growing uterus putting pressure on the stomach. Tums can help alleviate the symptoms of heartburn and provide relief and are safe for use during pregnancy.

    You can get Tums here for £9.07.

  3. Oil for stretch marks

    As your body undergoes significant changes, your skin stretches to accommodate your growing baby. This stretching can lead to the development of stretch marks, especially in areas like the abdomen, hips, and breasts. By applying a stretch mark treatment like Bio-Oil throughout your pregnancy, you can help keep your skin hydrated, supple, and more elastic, reducing the likelihood of stretch marks forming or minimizing their appearance.

    You can get Bio-Oil here for £17.11.

  4. Maternity leggings

    As your body begins to change to accommodate your growing baby, your clothes can quickly become tight and restrictive. Maternity leggings offer gentle, adjustable support to your expanding belly, allowing room for growth without compromising on style or comfort. 

    You can get maternity leggings here for £32.99.

  5. Maternity bra

    Bras can start to feel tight around six weeks into your pregnancy as your breasts begin to grow, and whilst is seems early to buy a maternity bra, it could actually be a wise decision as it will give you comfort and support as your breasts continue to grow – plus, you may as well get the most wear out of it you can, right?

    You can get a maternity bra here for £28.89.

  6. Water bottle

    Having a water bottle by your side during the first trimester of pregnancy is essential for staying hydrated and avoiding discomforts like headaches and fatigue. By having a water bottle readily available, you can easily monitor your water intake and ensure you're meeting the recommended daily hydration needs. For more info, check out this article: Here’s Exactly How Much Water You Need In Each Trimester.

    You can get a water bottle here for £13.99.

  7. Gentle toothbrush

    Pregnancy hormones can cause changes in your gum tissues, making them more susceptible to inflammation and bleeding. By opting for a soft-bristled toothbrush, you can effectively clean your teeth while minimizing any potential irritation or discomfort.

    You can get a gentle toothbrush here for £3.50.

  8. Energy-boosting snacks

    Fatigue is a common symptom during the first trimester, so it’s important to have energy-boosting snacks like Kind bars on hand for when you need a quick and convenient source of energy.

    You can get Kind bars here for £15.

  9. Heating pad

    You may have muscle aches, back pain, and pelvic discomfort during your first trimester which can be alleviated with the application of heat. A heating pad offers localized warmth, helping to relax muscles, soothe soreness, and increase blood flow to the affected areas. 

    You can get a heating pad here for £19.99.

  10. A yoga mat

    Feeling stressed about the changes to come is completely normal, but that daily stress is definitely tightening muscles in your neck, chest, and shoulders. That muscle tightness leads to tension headaches and increased anxiety. Yoga is a warrior at reducing tension headaches, mitigating our stress and anxiety response, and supporting the mind-body connection. Here are our favorite yoga poses for pregnancy.

    You can get a yoga mat here for £22.99.

Shop the full list here!

What other products could you not live without during your first trimester? Let us know in the comments!

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