What Career Advice Do You Wish You’d Known Before Having a Baby?
Making the decision to work alongside having a child - or deciding not to - is one of the most difficult decisions a mother has to make. And often the hardest decision is that there is no choice in the matter due to financial reasons, and we salute all those mamas juggling jobs alongside motherhood because they have to, and not just because they want to.
But there is no doubt that having a child changes you and that often those changes apply to the way you work, how you tackle the everyday challenges within your job and the way you interact with the people you work with.
Mamas who work are incredible multi-taskers... and this makes them remarkably efficient, whether they're giving a presentation or picking their little one up from daycare.. And maybe they're a little more relaxed in their career goals, because they know that one of their greatest successes has already been achieved with the birth of their child.
We know so many of the wonderful women in our community are working alongside motherhood, gave up careers to have a baby, are about to return to work after maternity leave, or have started working again since having children. So we thought we’d ask you to share your wisdom on what you’ve gleaned from being a working mama.
Here's how some of our busy Ambassadors balance motherhood, work, and staying healthy:

“Luckily I love my work, my baby and my healthy body. That makes it easier so prioritize all three in their own way. I cannot do one without the other. I need the satisfaction of being a successful actress, the best mom I can be, and looking after my body."

“Honestly, sometimes it is hard to balance it all! But luckily, I have a nice work/life balance to begin with and a very supportive husband. Over the last few years having a healthy lifestyle has become my way of living. Saying that, there are days that are less healthy than others, but I don’t focus on this. I don’t like to see exercise as a punishment or to label food as bad in my head. Between work, motherhood and healthy lifestyle, motherhood is my priority, everything else slots between that.”
We asked our Baby2Body Squad members what advice they'd give to new mamas transitioning back to work after baby. Here's what they said:
"Set healthy boundaries. So important. For yourself and for your baby."
"Don’t be afraid. You’ll figure stuff out. Having a daughter will make you much happier than any work success."
“Ruthlessly prioritize. Take control of your work calendar. Block time. Say no when you have to. Learn to accept that I will never feel like anything is 100% how I want it, and to be okay with that."
And for all you mamas nearing the end of your maternity leave and heading back to work, here is some advice from the Baby2Body community on Instagram:
“Take it day by day.”
“Realize you will not have as much time and that is okay. Delegate to others.”
“Take it one moment and one day at a time. Accept your emotions.”
“Try not to be hard on yourself when adjusting back. You’ll find your groove and new routine!”
“Don’t feel guilty and focus on the example you are giving to them.”
“Meal prep! Takes all of your Sunday but worth it to not worry about cooking.”
“I’m still adapting, but so far best mindset: take one step at a time, and give yourself time.”
“I remind myself that being away from my baby is a sacrifice I make to make their life better.”
Balancing motherhood and work is hard, and none of us can do it without the support of other women. Join the Baby2Body Squad to share your advice--and see what tips other mamas have to share!