Can You Naturally Induce Labor? The Top 6 Ways That Might Actually Work

If you’re coming close to your due date, you’ve probably had lots of people telling you how you can induce labor naturally, from sex to walking to acupuncture… but are they just old wives’ tales? 

We asked our community all about naturally inducing childbirth - from what they’d be told to do, to what actually worked, and today, we’re breaking them all down - including if they actually work & how to try them safely.

We want to be clear though: there’s no guaranteed way to induce labor, and baby will come into the world when they’re ready, not before! But it feels good to take control and there is no harm in trying some simple tricks in hopes of assisting the natural process of childbirth.

Just remember to consult with your doctor or midwife first and foremost regarding the next best steps for delivery. They will know what's the safest avenue for you and your baby, and they'll be able to talk you through all of the steps and precautions involved in either natural, induced, or cesarean delivery. Above all, the goal is a happy, healthy baby!

1. Can having sex naturally induce labor?

You’ve probably heard this one before – in fact, 53% of our Baby2Body community thought that sex could help induce labor! And some evidence does suggest that it’s possible. The science behind it is not fully developed, but it is thought that:

  1. The prostaglandins in sperm act as a uterine stimulant, which may help kick-start contractions

  2. The uterine contractions that happen after female orgasm may help to bring on labor. Why? During orgasm, Oxytocin is released, the natural form of Pitocin, a synthetic hormone that is sometimes given during induction at the hospital. Among other things, oxytocin is linked to uterine contractions and cervical ripening. Tip: Any nipple stimulation during intercourse can also release oxytocin.

All that being said, sex isn’t considered the most effective way to kick start labor and there’s also evidence to suggest that having sex isn’t related to labor…So, should you have sex to naturally induce childbirth?

Here’s our takeaway: if it feels good to take control and you want to have sex, then it’s safe to do so - there is no harm in trying it out to naturally induce labor unless you’ve been instructed by your doctor to refrain from intercourse. Just remember, you shouldn’t have sex if your water has already broken as bacteria can more easily reach baby!

2. Can exercise naturally induce labor?

Coming in second place with our poll - 23% of our community thought that exercise was a way to induce labor! Going for a walk has been reported by women as the trigger for their labor and it’s thought that walking and general exercise can help move your baby down into the pelvis, which puts pressure on your cervix and can help to induce labor as well.

Unfortunately, like sex, exercise isn’t a reliable way to include labor, but exercising can help clear your mind and occupy your time whilst you wait for baby. And we think that’s a win-win. Just remember to stick to walking & nothing vigorous during this late stage of pregnancy.

3. Can eating spicy food naturally induce labor?

If you said yes, then you’re not alone – 14% of our community thought that eating spicy foods could naturally induce labor. Spicy food is known to irritate your intestines, so it’s been thought that this could cause cramping and uterine contractions if a woman is already dilated but evidence to support this is limited.

Spicy foods also have the potential to cause heartburn, so with little evidence to support its labor-inducing benefits, this could be one to avoid!

4. Can eating dates naturally induce labor?

Have you heard this one? It’s not as common as sex or spicy food as a way to induce labor, but if you’ve been researching all the ways you can get baby out then it’s likely you’ve come across dates. But can eating dates naturally induce labor? Nearly 10% of our community thought so! 

Whilst research into eating dates as a way to induce labor is limited, one study showed that eating dates in the final weeks of pregnancy could reduce the need for labor to be induced with medical intervention. On top of that, the study actually showed that dates may reduce overall labor time…More research is needed until these findings are conclusive, but dates are safe to eat during pregnancy so it might be worth giving it a try.

5. Can having acupuncture naturally induce labor?

Some women turn to acupuncture to help naturally induce labor, and while there is no evidence to support that it actually can induce labor (without medical intervention), it is considered safe to do even in later stages of pregnancy. So if it is something you want to try, we recommend communicating that to your healthcare professional and making sure you work with an acupuncturist with experience in prenatal therapies.

6. Can using an exercise ball naturally include labor? 

There’s limited evidence that using a birthing ball can induce labor, but it can be comfortable to sit and move around on an exercise ball during the last days of pregnancy & can make you feel lie you’re actively working towards your goal.

If you want to give it a try, here’s how: Make sure your ball is well inflated, and then sit on top with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Be sure to hold onto something, or place your hands on your knees for added support. Roll on top of the ball in circles to help keep your hips open and encourage baby's engagement.

The key takeaways

A lot of the ways that are through to naturally induce labor need more evidence until they are conclusive. Even then, there won’t be one sure-fire way for everyone to induce labor, and baby will come into the world when the time is right.

But, if it feels good to take control, you’ve talked it over with your doctor, and it’s safe to do so, then there is no harm in trying some simple tricks in hopes of assisting the natural process of childbirth.

Did something help naturally induce your labor? Let us know in the comments!

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