Take Your Workout With You: A 10-Minute Routine You Can Do Anywhere


Allowing yourself time to unwind and break free of your normal grind is so important for your mental fitness — but that can be easier said that done when you’re spending time with family, vacationing, or traveling for work. But being away from home doesn't mean you have to press pause on the healthy routines you’ve been building. We know it’s easy for workout schedules can get pushed aside, but we also know that the most important part of a healthy exercise routine is keeping it a consistent part of your life.

Don’t worry, we’ve got a 10-minute, equipment-free full-body workout that you can do anywhere.

This routine is perfect if you’re TTC or past the initial stages of postpartum recovery and safe for the first and second trimesters of pregnancy if you have full clearance. Listen to your body first and foremost. You won't need any equipment other than a towel and two water bottles as hand weights, which are optional additions to make it tougher - if you're up for it!

Our 10-Minute full-body workout you can do anywhere:

Don’t forget, warm-ups are always important - even for quick circuit workouts.

Plie Squat Pulse with Raised Arms for 30 seconds

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and pointed out at 45-degree angles, with a water bottle 'weight' in each hand raise your arms out in front of you. Lower into a plie squat, keeping knees in line with your toes and pulse very slightly up and down.

Squat with Biceps Curl for 30 seconds

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a water bottle 'weight' in each hand. As you lower into a squat curl your weights up to your chest, and lower as you rise back to standing. Try to find a good rhythm with this one.

Runner's Lunge for 30 seconds on each leg

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hands on your hips for added stability. Step your right leg back and lower into a reverse lunge. As you press back up to standing raise your right leg up into a high knee. Continue for 30 seconds on your right leg, then switch to your left leg for 30 seconds.

Alternating Bird Dogs for 60 seconds

  • Take your time to lower down onto your towel. From your hands and knees, reach your right arm forward as you stretch your left leg straight behind you. Hold this for 5 seconds, and return to start. Repeat on the other side by stretching your left arm forward, and right leg backward. Hold for 5 seconds and return to start. Keep alternating.

Reverse Tabletop Sit Up for 60 seconds

  • Sit down on your towel with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and your hands planted firmly behind you. Engage your core and squeeze your glutes to lift up into a reverse tabletop position, so your body forms a line from head to knees. Lower to start and repeat.

Take a 60-second break, hydrate, and repeat once more. If you're up for it, you can add a third round!

Head over to the Baby2Body app for more fitness routines tailored to the stage of your parenting journey.

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