Pregnancy Month By Month: Your Body And Your Baby

If you've just found out you're expecting, you're probably feeling a crazy mixture of emotions (partially fueled by your hormones, of course). The early stages of pregnancy are such an exciting time, but they also hold a lot of anticipation. What's coming? Why do I feel like this? Will all 9 months feel the same?

Your body does a lot of crazy stuff during pregnancy, and it also puts in work -- growing a little human is no easy business. Knowing what's coming and what to expect can make it all a bit easier, so we've broken down your pregnancy and your baby’s growth month by month so that you can take a look ahead and see what's coming up.

Remember, the progression and symptoms of pregnancy are somewhat different for everyone, so don't stress if your experiences don't follow this guide to a T. Save this post and consider it your roadmap -- it'll keep you aware of what's coming, a little more in control, and a lot more informed about what's going on in your body.

Month 1 of pregnancy: Are you pregnant?

Although you may not even know you're pregnant yet, your body is hard at work: your egg is being fertilized and implanted in your uterus. You might get some early symptoms that tip you off, though - sore breasts, nausea, and fatigue. Stay patient and pick up some pregnancy tests. Most can detect pregnancy 2 weeks after conception.

By the end of month 1, your baby is around a quarter of an inch long - that’s smaller than a grain of rice!

Month 2 of pregnancy: Your hormones are going wild!

This is when most people find out they're pregnant - it's time to celebrate! Right now, your hormones are allll over the place, so don't be surprised if you feel moody and emotional. Your body is busy prepping for baby by increasing your blood supply, so if you feel lethargic, know that it's totally normal.

In the middle of this month, at around 6 weeks of pregnancy, a heartbeat can usually be detected.

Month 3 of pregnancy: Hormones, hormones, and more hormones

Hang in there, mama. In month 3 of pregnancy, your hCG (a pregnancy hormone) levels are at an all-time high, and unfortunately, that seems to be linked to morning sickness symptoms, which can peak this month. Hang in there - look forward to your 12-week scan, where you'll be able to see your baby via ultrasound for the first time!

In baby’s third month, they are working on opening and closing their fists and mouth. They are also developing teeth under their gums! By the end of this month, your baby will be around 4 inches long and weigh 1 ounce.

Month 4 of pregnancy: You might want to start spreading the news

Your chance of miscarriage drops significantly after week 12 of pregnancy and your bump may also have "popped”, so most women tell their friends and family around this time. Your nausea and fatigue should subside, so you'll start to feel like you've got your mojo back (and your sex drive should be making a return, too.)

During the fourth month of pregnancy, baby’s development really starts taking off. They have fingers, toes, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair - they can even suck their thumb.

Check out Is That Safe? Having Sex When You’re Pregnant

Month 5 of pregnancy: Ahhh...the honeymoon period

You're right in the sweet spot of pregnancy, so enjoy it! You've likely got your energy back, and your appetite may be increasing as your baby grows. Now is a great time to plan a getaway or babymoon with your partner (we've got some inspo for you, too).

You might begin to feel baby move around - remember, every baby goes at their own pace! By the end of month 5, baby will be around 10 inches long and weigh around 1 pound.

Month 6 of pregnancy: The viable stage

Babies born after this month have a reasonable chance of survival — but of course, the 3rd trimester is an incredibly important time for growth and brain development, so there's plenty more to go. During this month, your baby will open their eyes for the first time and you may feel some hiccups coming from your belly!

As for you, mama, you might be feeling heartburn and constipation as your baby grows, and fatigue may kick back in due to your increased blood volume.

Month 7 of pregnancy: Things get real

Month 7 is when things start to feel really real as you near the end of pregnancy and you may be feeling overwhelmed as both your brain and body prep for birth. Be careful with stretching, as your joints are loosening as your body prepares to give birth. You also may experience Braxton-Hicks contractions. Don't panic, your body's just practicing for the real thing! Now is a good time to work on developing your birth plan and check out this article: Braxton Hicks: What Are They, What Do They Feel Like, And Does Everyone Get Them?

At this stage, baby is continuing to develop reserves of body fat. Say hello as baby’s hearing is fully developed and they can respond to sound!

Month 8 of pregnancy: Wait...still more to go?

You might be feeling like you’re nearing the end of pregnancy, but month 8 is all about your baby's growth, which may be making you feel a bit uncomfortable--they may press on your ribcage and organs. You're probably feeling really pregnant by now.

The finish line is in sight, so stay patient, don’t overdo it, and focus on sticking to a workout routine that feels right to you.

Month 9 of pregnancy: The (never ending) final stretch

Ah, sweet relief! In this final month of pregnancy, baby will shift down into your pelvis and ease up on your ribcage (*sigh of relief*). This feeling is called "lightening," and hopefully, it'll make this last month more comfortable for you as baby finishes up developing. It's just a waiting game now--your little one will be here soon!

Pregnancy is an exciting journey, but it's a crazy one! You may feel completely different week to week, and that's normal. We're here to guide you through your pregnancy and keep you healthy, informed, and prepared for what's ahead. Check out our app for stage-specific recipes, workouts, and daily tips for everything you need during your 9 months.

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