Plastic Free July: 5 Simple Swaps for Parents

Plastic free July

It’s Plastic Free July, mamas! Plastic Free July is a global drive to reduce the plastic we use so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and communities. The idea is to refuse to use single-use plastics for the whole month of July — and beyond that! We’re sharing some swaps you can make in your life to get started with plastic free July — and remember, swapping even just one or two things still makes a huge difference, so do whatever you can.

Before we get to our own top 5 simple swaps for plastic-free July, we want to share some ideas from Plastic Free Foundation that can get you started in your everyday life:

  1. Bring a reusable cup for your morning coffee 

  2. Buy loose fruits & veggies and bring your own reusable bags to take them home in

  3. Take your resuable shopping bags with you

  4. Avoid plastic straws! Carry a reusable option with you if needed

  5. Stick to a reusable water bottle and carry it with you when you’re on the go 

  6. Plan ahead to avoid pre-packaged goods

You can learn more about all of these ideas here! Today, we’re sharing some swaps for Plastic Free July that you can make if you’re a mama (or mama-to-be!). Let’s get started…

5 simple swaps for plastic free July:

1. Plastic free party decorations

Something that uses more plastic than you might think is parties and celebrations. Of course, we’re not saying to ditch them, celebrating those milestones - whether it’s a birthday, gender reveal, baby shower, or just a summer party - is super important. But you can choose to make your decorations plastic free…

Here’s how to make party decorations plastic free: 

  • Pick a theme! This can help give you inspiration when making your own decorations or looking for plastic-free alternatives

  • Instead of balloons that are a single use plastic - try decorating with tissue pom poms, lanterns, and fresh flowers 

  • Look on Pinterest for crafting inspiration - we love making our own fabric bunting like this for special events! You can get the older kids involved too.

  • Leave the glitter behind… Ok, well not totally behind as we know it’s a favorite. But try buying eco-friendly biodegradable glitter, you won’t even notice the difference. We love this Moon Glitter, it’s actually made from plants and can be used on your body and face as well as in crafts! 

Not only will you be doing your bit for the environment, but your unique decorations will make your party a stand out event. 

2. Reusable menstrual products

Ok, this one isn’t so much for the littles in your life – but it’s something you might want to give a go, mama. Single use period pads contain up to 90% plastic and tampons (excluding any applicators) contain up to 6% – plus there’s the packaging on top of all that. Here are some of the reusable, plastic-free alternatives: 

  • Menstrual cups: Also known as Mooncups, menstrual cups are a small silicone cup that is inserted into your vagina and collects rather than absorbs the blood. They can typically be worn for up to 8 hours and collect around 3 times the amount of blood as a regular tampon. We love these from Saalt – they come in different sizes and colors too.  

  • Period underwear: “Period pants” no longer means throwing on your oldest and most comfy underwear. You can now get pants with a sanitary pad built in — these are perfect to wear on their own or if you use a menstrual cup and are afraid of leaking. We love these from Yoyi Fashion.

  • Reusable sanitary pads: Another option is reusable, washable sanitary pads. They work in the exact same way as single-use pads, you just rinse, wash and reuse instead. We like this starter pack from Wegreeco.

Not only are these better choices for the environment, but after the upfront costs, you’ll actually save money in the long run!

3. Reusable food wrapping & containers 

As we mentioned, it pays to be prepared when it comes to your grocery shopping, and carrying reusable bags and containers is great for that. But what about when you’re making food at home to take with you on the go? Here are some ideas of how to refuse single use plastics when it comes to food containers:

  • For baby food: We love these reusable food pouches that you can fill at home. That way you can ditch the single-use grocery store version (even if it’s just some of the time!)

  • For packed lunches: You might already have plastic tuppaware - and we’re not saying to replace it! Using what you already have is good for the planet. But if you’re looking for something that you can carry at home lunches in, then we’re loving this Stainless Steel Bento Box.

4. Plastic-free pacifiers/dummies

For some babies, pacifiers or dummies are a must, but most are made from plastics. Hevea is a brand that makes pacifiers from natural rubber! They come in a range of different teat shapes & sizes – so lots for baby to try.

5. Reusable diapers

It’s something we’ve mentioned before on the blog, but if you want to limit your waste and reduce the plastic you use, then you could try switching from single-use diapers to reusable. It’s not for everyone, and we suggest weighing the pros and cons of using reusable diapers. If you want to give it a go, we love these ones from Wegreeco

Are you swapping anything for Plastic Free July? Let us know in the comments and check out our Top 8 Eco-Friendly Baby Products For World Environment Day!

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