5 Guilt-Free Treats for A Happier + Healthier Valentine's Day

Ahh, Valentine's Day. We've gone a whole month without the temptation of chocolatey sweets and holiday treats - and now our local bakeries, grocery stores, and Instagram feeds are filing back up with sugary confections. To top it all off, everything's pink! We still don't know how that color makes everything look extra delicious...

We're all for treating yourself, and we won't tell if you have a chocolate-covered strawberry (or 7), but treating your body well is also about giving it food that makes it feel good and function well.

The truth of it is: copious amounts of sugar do our bodies dirty. So, we've rounded up 5 of our favorite treats for Valentine's Day that you won't have to feel guilty about tucking into or dishing up for your kids!

Plus, these goodies will actually leave your body feeling loved on this 14th of February.

Yogurt-Covered Strawberries

These vegetarian, gluten-free strawberry delights are a stellar alternative to traditional milk- or white-chocolate covered strawberries. This recipe calls for Greek Yogurt, which is high in protein and a great source of calcium for you and your kiddos! And bonus: they're pink.

Of course, if you can't break away from the chocolate-covered strawberry craving (and girl, we feel you) just make sure to dip those berries in melted dark chocolate that's 75% cacao or higher - and rest easier knowing that you're eating the 'healthy' kind of chocolate.

Avocado Heart Toast

Alright, this one takes a bit of talent, especially if all you're focused on when dishing up avocado is not slicing your hand in half. But this simple recipe will show you how it's done.

It's such a cute way to start your day and it will definitely make your little ones happy too, because who doesn't like avocado toast?  With all those heart-healthy fatty acids, there's a whole lot to love about this dish.

For some additional protein, serve alongside scrambled egg whites.

Purple Peanut Butter Energy Bites

OK so they're not pink - and you may be thinking why are they purple?? - but don't these chocolate-y and peanut butter-y energy bites look delicious and perfect for Valentine's Day snacking?

This recipe boasts a variety of healthy ingredients including purple sweet potato (now the purple makes sense, right?), dark chocolate chips, quick oats, and chunky peanut butter these power bites include a little bit of everything to hit your cravings and deliver lasting energy all day long

Valentine's Day Superfood Trail Mix

Packed with protein, fiber, calcium and Vitamin C, this trail mix is a great snack to whip up and enjoy long after Valentine's Day is over. It's the perfect snack to add to a Valentine's Day gift bag or keep stashed away for yourself - because it's just that good.

This recipe includes goji berries and dried cranberries to give it a festive red pop, dark chocolate (because, duh), almonds and cashews for healthy fats, and mulberries - a fruit unusually high in protein. Dig in!

Red Raspberry Overnight Oats

You know that funky feeling after a holiday ends and you're happy it's over with, but you kinda already miss it? You can keep the love and good feelings going with this delicious overnight oats recipe that's layered with a raspberry chia jam.

Do the prep the night before, and let your morning lie-in last a bit longer tomorrow because breakfast will be ready to go!

p.s. be sure to share with someone you love.

Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day and lots of love from Baby2Body!  


VP Content Strategy at Body Collective


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