What Is Lucky Girl Syndrome & Is It A Good Mindset to Have?

If you’re on social media, then you’ve probably heard people talk about Lucky Girl Syndrome, but what it is? Is it a good mindset to have? And does having a Lucky Girl mindset really make a difference in your life? We’re getting into it. 

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome? 

The idea of “Lucky Girl Syndrome” started as a trend on TikTok — the hashtag #luckygirlsyndrome has 550.1 MILLION views to date! So it’s pretty safe to say it went viral.

Although calling it Lucky Girl Syndrome is a new trend, it comes back to the law of attraction, a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. Like attracts like

Essentially, if you put the good vibes out there then you’ll get good vibes back. And we’re all about good vibes, but does it actually work? 

Does the Lucky Girl mindset work? What does the science say?

There are thousands of people on social media who say the lucky girl mindset is working for them… and who are we to say that that’s not true? If you feel like your life is improved with a lucky girl mindset then go with it! 

When in doubt though, we always look to the science. Whilst more research is definitely needed before there's any concrete proof that manifestation or the law of attraction really works, one 2005 study found that people with positive affect - referring to the extent to which an individual subjectively experiences positive moods such as joy, interest, and alertness – were more likely to enjoy increased levels of happiness and success. Another 2010 review found that visualizing your desires actually increased the likelihood of them becoming a reality. 

But it’s not all about your attitude, it’s your actions too. 

There’s a common misconception that manifestation is simply hoping, praying, or wishing for your dreams to come true. However, the vast majority of our growth happens unconsciously. In fact, one study showed that 95% of all brain activity is unconscious – so manifestation is rooted in the idea that by focusing your attention on a particular area of your life, you will subconsciously work toward it.

In order for your thoughts and manifestation to impact your life and behavior, it is important to also have things such as:

  • Goals

  • Mindfulness

  • Commitment

  • Motivation

  • Timelines

  • Challenges

  • Support

The lucky girl mindset should drive proactive behaviors that then start to positively impact your life and bring you the outcomes you want. It's the behavior the attitudes inspire that creates real change, not the attitude itself. 

Are there negatives to having a lucky girl mindset?

What we will say is that having a manifestation mindset can ignore the fact that life isn’t always fair, and sometimes things don’t work out according to the plan. Resulting in feelings of failing if your manifestations don’t come true. This won’t be the case for everyone who tries the lucky girl mindset, but it’s certainly something worth mentioning. 

Another negative impact of the law of attraction or Lucky Girl mindset can be toxic positivity. Toxic positivity refers to the belief that no matter how dire or difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset. Don’t get us wrong, having a positive outlook on life is good for your mental health, but life can’t always be positive, and negative or painful emotions should be acknowledged or dealt with. Toxic positivity doesn’t just refer to a positive mindset, but it ignores any negative emotion. 

How to achieve a lucky girl or manifestation mindset 

There are some ways you can start to shift into a lucky girl mindset:

Make a vision board 

You can visualize your goals mentally, or you can create a vision board. It will serve as a visual reminder of your goals, desires, wants, and needs, and help you focus on getting there. 


Writing down your thoughts can help you identify negative patterns of thought and shift them into positives. 

Positive self-talk 

Try to engage in positive self-talk when you find yourself thinking negatively. Over time, it will become harder to maintain a negative mindset in the face of difficulty. 

Have you tried the Lucky Girl Mindset? Do you think it’s working for you? Let us know in the comments!

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