Why Does Baby Fever Happen?

You know that feeling when you see an adorable baby and your heart just melts? Suddenly, you find yourself fantasizing about chubby cheeks, tiny toes, and the pitter-patter of little feet. You may have caught a case of baby fever! But what exactly causes this phenomenon? Is it just a figment of our imaginations, or is there some real science behind it?

Is baby fever a real thing?

Yes, baby fever is real! Though baby fever is not considered a medical condition, it is a common term to describe the intense longing to have a baby and experience parenthood. Not everyone feels baby fever, but it can be a powerful emotion for those that do. Studies on the phenomenon of baby fever have found that the likelihood of having a baby increases when you have experienced baby fever, demonstrating how strong these impulses can be. 

What causes baby fever?

So what causes these feelings of longing for a baby? Baby fever can stem from both biological and external factors, from hormonal changes to the sight of a cute baby. 

Biological factors

Baby fever can arise from biological factors such as your changing hormones as well as your instinctual desire to reproduce.


Oxytocin: Research has indicated that certain hormones play a crucial role in triggering the desire for a baby. Oxytocin, known as the “love hormone”, is a hormone that facilitates childbirth and plays a significant role in human social bonding and attachment. It's the same hormone that floods your system when you fall in love or cuddle with someone you care about deeply. When you see a cute baby, your brain releases a surge of oxytocin, triggering warm and fuzzy feelings that can lead to baby fever. 

Hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle: The fluctuating levels of hormones such as estrogen during your menstrual cycle can also influence the experience of baby fever. Before ovulation, your estrogen levels rise, causing an increased sex drive during this time of increased fertility. This is your body’s natural way of encouraging you to have a baby when you are fertile, which could explain why you may feel baby fever more during certain times of the month than others.

Reproductive instincts

Baby fever also can be caused by your instinctual urge to reproduce. From an evolutionary perspective, the urge to have babies is essential for survival. Our ancestors who had a strong desire to procreate were more likely to pass on their genes, ensuring the continuation of their lineage. So, when you feel the pangs of baby fever, you're not alone. It's nature's way of nudging us to contribute to future generations.

External factors

Apart from biological causes, external factors such as having positive experiences with babies can contribute to baby fever. One study found that people experience more baby fever when exposed to positive associations with babies, such as witnessing a moment of joy between a parent and child. So if you see a friend, neighbor, or stranger on the street with a cute baby, you’re more likely to get baby fever.

Baby fever can also be caused by positive associations with babies in the media. From movies and TV shows to social media feeds filled with baby pictures, we're constantly bombarded with images and stories about parenting. These external influences can trigger baby fever, making us yearn for that same sense of love, connection, and fulfillment.

Can anyone experience baby fever?

Research shows that baby fever is most common in women in their 20s and 30s when they are at the prime age to have a baby (also a time when baby-positive advertising and social media posts is likely), and the feeling generally decreases as they get older. During their most fertile years, many women may feel a “biological clock” ticking and an increased desire to start a family. The societal norms surrounding the ideal age for having children, combined with your personal aspirations and relationship milestones, can contribute to this phenomenon. 

Women are not the only ones who get baby fever, though. It can also occur in men who experience baby fever more as they get older. Baby fever in men, however, is less likely to influence having a baby as many men experience it when they’re already trying to conceive.

What does it mean to have baby fever in your 20s?

In your 20s, you may find yourself surrounded by friends or acquaintances who are starting families or having children, which can contribute to the desire for a baby. Additionally, this period is often characterized by a sense of youthful energy, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace new challenges, making it a time when you begin to contemplate your future and consider starting a family. 

While baby fever can be an overwhelming feeling, it is important to carefully evaluate your personal circumstances, including your financial stability, career goals, and readiness for the responsibilities that come with raising a child. While baby fever in your 20s can be a natural and valid feeling, it is crucial to make informed decisions and consider both the short-term and long-term implications of starting a family at this stage in life.

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I’ve never had baby fever. Is something wrong with me?

If you’ve never had baby fever, don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal to never experience baby fever. While many people may feel a strong longing for parenthood at some point in their lives, others may not experience this desire at all. Everyone’s priorities, life goals, and personal circumstances differ, and not everyone feels a strong inclination toward starting a family. Each individual's feelings and choices regarding parenthood are valid and should be respected. 

The takeaway

Baby fever is a fascinating blend of biology, evolution, and social influence. So, the next time you find yourself ogling at a cute little bundle of joy and feeling that familiar warmth in your heart, remember that it's not just your imagination—it's actually a combination of science and society coming together. Whether you choose to satisfy your baby fever or not, try to embrace the joy that these feelings bring!

Have you ever had baby fever? Let us know in the comments!

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