Introducing Bella: Your Personal AI Wellness Coach, Now On The Baby2Body App

We've been busy working on something BIG.  We're so excited to finally share our biggest app update ever with you: Say hello to Bella, your AI wellness coach. Bella has the answers to all of your fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum questions -- like a 24/7 coach there for you, whenever you need her.

Who is Bella?

Powered by AI and trained on Baby2Body’s entire database of expert guidance and research curated by our team since Baby2Body was launched. Bella is designed to be your go-to personalized wellness coach through conception, pregnancy, and beyond. She’ll tailor her guidance to your individual needs, stage, and preferences.

Why have we made this update?

Baby2Body has always been dedicated to empowering women with clear and trusted guidance through every stage of their journey, and Bella takes that commitment to a whole new level. 

Pregnancy and motherhood are amazing experiences, but they can also be overwhelming at times. With Bella by your side, you can rest assured that you have a knowledgeable and supportive guide every step of the way. Bella is there to answer all of your questions and provide reliable, evidence-based guidance – any time, day or night.

Here’s what you should know about Bella:

Bella is powered by science-backed resources and expert guidance.

Bella's knowledge is based on Baby2Body’s extensive database of content and lifestyle recommendations, which has been validated by our team of women’s health experts and external medical review boards. We have compiled years of data and research into our wellness programs which have helped women live healthier during pregnancy and beyond – and Bella is the ultimate Baby2Body coach to support you through this time.

You can trust that the information you receive is up-to-date, reliable, and accurate.

Bella is available 24/7.

Pregnancy doesn't adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither does Bella. Whether you're seeking reassurance during the early hours of the morning or need urgent advice in the middle of the night, Bella is available 24/7 to support you. 

Bella offers comprehensive support.

No matter where you are in your motherhood journey, Bella has you covered. She can answer your questions and provide the support you need when it comes to everything from your nutrition to baby’s development, to pregnancy insomnia and morning sickness. You can ask her things like “What are some ​​pregnancy-safe workouts?” or “What are the early signs of pregnancy?” or “Can you give me some foods that fight postpartum constipation?”.

How you can access Bella:

Update the Baby2Body app, and Bella will be waiting to answer your burning questions with personalized advice and evidence-based information. Don’t have the app yet? Try Bella for free here. 

So, what will you ask Bella? 

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