Why Starting Prenatal Pilates Is a Pregnancy Game-Changer

Ever considered Prenatal Pilates? It's not just another fitness trend - although it has been going viral on TikTok - it's a fantastic way to nurture both you and your little one. Let's dive into the five key reasons why Prenatal Pilates might just become your new pregnancy bestie. 

So what is prenatal Pilates? 

Let's start with a quick rundown of Pilates. It's a low-impact exercise that does wonders for your muscles, enhancing strength, promoting better posture, and boosting flexibility.

Pilates isn't just another workout; it's renowned for several key benefits, including increased mobility, improved spine health, prevention and recovery from injuries, and the development of a robust deep core. What's catching the eye of many is the shift towards more mindful exercises, reflecting a growing awareness of the significance of overall health rather than just aesthetics.

Plus, Pilates caters to all ages and abilities, making it an excellent choice. The key? Initiate a safe practice and ease into it gradually, especially if you're pregnant. Pilates shines as a fantastic and adaptable option that embraces everyone.

5 key benefits of Pregnancy Pilates

  1. Improved core strength during pregnancy

    Okay, let's talk about that growing belly. Prenatal Pilates is like a superhero for your core muscles — and yes, you can work your core during pregnancy! We're not just doing crunches here; we're focusing on the pelvic floor and strengthening those abs in a way that's safe for you and your baby. Say goodbye to back pain and hello to better posture!

    In our Prenatal Pilates Program, you’ll develop a strong foundation by learning how to properly activate and train your pelvic floor and deep core muscles. Instructor Daisy will walk you through essential techniques you can incorporate into your daily routine to enhance stability during pregnancy and prepare your body for the journey ahead. 

  2. Enhanced flexibility and balance

    Flexibility is your friend during pregnancy, and through mindful and controlled movements, Prenatal Pilates focuses on gently stretching muscles and joints, fostering increased flexibility without compromising the safety of expectant mothers. The routines emphasize a full range of motion, ensuring that joints and muscles adapt to the changing demands of pregnancy, preventing stiffness.

    Core strength, a key aspect of Prenatal Pilates, also provides pregnant mamas with a stable foundation, promoting better balance as your body changes and bump grows.

  3. Control the breath and improve respiratory function 

    With Baby2Body’s pregnancy Pilates program, you’ll discover how to control the breath and master the art of lateral thoracic breathing – a conscious technique used in Pilates to maintain engagement of the deep abdominal muscles throughout an exercise. 

    Give lateral thoracic breathing a go now: 

    Place the palms of your hands on either side of your lower ribs

    Take an inhale through the nose, breathing deeply into the back and sides of your ribs, and then exhale all the air out through the mouth

    Repeat this 3 more times, focusing on expanding the ribcage and noticing how your palms rise and fall as the air comes in and out

    Prenatal Pilates instructor Daisy says: “A helpful visualization is to imagine your lungs are an accordion. As you inhale, the accordion expands, and then as you exhale, it grows smaller. This is the opposite of diaphragmatic breathing (often used in yoga but can also be part of the relaxation phase of a Pilates class), where you drop the breath into the lower belly.

    Lateral breathing not only helps to mobilize the muscles between the ribs, creating more space to expand the lungs to their full potential, but also strengthens them along with the other respiratory muscles, such as the abdominals and the diaphragm. As we begin to breathe better, our posture improves, and the spine can lengthen and move more freely. It also enables us to oxygenate the blood and perform the exercises more effectively.”

  4. Reduce stress and improve mental wellbeing

    Every pregnancy comes with its fair share of stress and anxiety. Enter Prenatal Pilates, the ultimate stress-buster. It’s not just about physical exercise; it’s all about mindfulness and relaxation. The lateral thoracic breathing technique discussed above teaches you to become aware of the breath, moving from unconscious or normal breathing to conscious control. On top of this, lateral breathing paired with movement, means that there is always another layer of focus for your mind, making your exercise become meditation and forcing you to be completely present.

    Bringing this mindful element to exercise is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety because it reduces activity in the amygdala, the part of your brain that helps define and regulate emotions. It can help to calm and regulate the nervous system and reduce the stress hormone cortisol in your body which has a wide range of benefits, such as reducing pain and improving the quality of your sleep.

  5. Prepare for labor and delivery

    Let's get real about labor – it's a workout like no other. Prenatal Pilates isn't just about toning muscles; it's about prepping you for the grand finale. We'll work on controlled breathing and muscle endurance, getting you ready for the big day. Consider it your personal training for childbirth!

So there you have it – the lowdown on Prenatal Pilates. It's not just about staying fit; it's a holistic approach to movement and mindfulness during pregnancy. As with any exercise during pregnancy, make sure to check in with your healthcare provider first. 

Ready to try pregnancy Pilates? Check out our online program Prenatal Pilates with Daisy. 

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