Stretches To Relieve Pregnancy Symptoms: Back Pain, Swelling & More

stretches for back pain in pregnancy

As your body adapts to pregnancy, it can cause aches and pains that you’d rather avoid. While this is all a natural part of the process, there are things you can do to help support, stretch out, and soothe your symptoms. We’ve taken four of the most common pregnancy ailments and matched them to stretches that should give you some relief.

Before you start stretching

it’s important to warm up your muscles gently by marching in place for 3-5 minutes, especially in pregnancy. You need to get that synovial fluid going in your joints as that’s what helps with cushioning your joints. Simply marching in place or doing side-to-side steps is a great way to safely warm up.

Some tips on stretching during pregnancy…

  1. Be sure to ease into each position slowly.

  2. When holding a stretch, focus on your breath and only hold a pose for as long as you feel it lengthening out your muscles.

  3. Relaxin is still at work right now and that can make you feel more flexible than usual. To avoid injury, only go to 80% of your usual stretching capacity.

  4. Lastly, make sure to stop immediately if you experience any kind of pain.

If you have back pain during pregnancy try a modified cat-cow pose

As your bump grows your center of gravity shifts, and the weight of carrying your baby puts a lot of extra pressure on your lower back. On top of that relaxin has loosened connective ligaments in your hips, which weakens your back support. Both of these things exacerbate back pain, and the cat-cow pose can help.

How to do it: On a yoga mat or comfortable surface get on your hands and knees so that your hands are stacked directly beneath your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips. Balance your weight between all four touchpoints and take a slow deep breath.

As you exhale, let your spine relax into the cow pose and your hips spill forward as your back arches toward the ground. Raise your chin gently up to the sky. On your next inhale, arch your spine up towards the sky and into the cat pose. Focus on what feels comfortable — this shouldn’t feel painful at all. You might find that really small motions are best but still help loosen up your back muscles.

Continue for 5-10 breaths.

If you have swelling during pregnancy try raised ankle rotations

Extra fluid can build up in the body during pregnancy sometimes causing swelling. It can also create discomfort and pain in some cases. Swelling is more common in your extremities and during pregnancy, especially in your feet. Elevating your legs and staying active can help and this simple stretch will do both things.

How to do it: Sit on a couch or sofa where you can stretch your legs out. Place a large pillow or two on the other end of the couch so you can lift your legs onto it so they are elevated. While inhaling, flex your foot towards your body as far as you can, and on your exhale point your foot away from you.

Do this for 10 breaths and then switch to ankle rotations — first doing 10 clockwise rotations, and then 10 counter-clockwise rotations.

If you have tight hips during pregnancy try a low lunge or butterfly pose

While relaxin loosens your joints it can cause the muscles in your hips to feel tighter as they are working a bit harder to support you. This can make sitting or standing for long periods difficult. A low lunge or the butterfly pose is great for this, depending on what feels best to you.

How to do a low lunge: start on all fours, put your left foot on the ground, with your knee directly over your ankle and your leg bent to a 90-degree position. Place your hands on your hips and gently stretch forward. Switch sides to make sure to balance everything out.

How to do a butterfly pose: sit upright on the ground with the soles of your feet together in front of you. You can put a blanket under your hips if this position feels uncomfortable. Try to sit as straight as possible and lean forward slightly to help open your hips.

If you are feeling tense and/or stressed during pregnancy: try resting in child's pose

Feeling nervous, anxious, or worried during pregnancy is normal, as your hormones are pushed into overdrive. Taking a moment to relax in child’s pose should help to center yourself and direct your focus to your body and breath.

How to do it: Kneel down and drop your bottom towards your heels and push the rest of your body down towards your mat. You can rest your head on the floor, tuck your arms back by your hips or place them comfortably in front of you and keep your stomach comfortably on top of your thighs. You can also place a blanket in between your knees if this helps you feel more comfortable.

Stay in this position for 5-10 good breaths. 

For more stretches designed to support you in your pregnancy journey, be sure to download the Baby2Body app!

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