Navigating new motherhood: advice from those who've been there

Becoming a mother is an incredible journey filled with joy, love, and undoubtedly, a whirlwind of emotions. From the moment you find out you're expecting, to holding your precious bundle of joy for the first time, every step is magical and overwhelming – it's comforting to know that you're not alone in those feelings. We reached out to our community of experienced mothers and asked them to share their best advice for new moms. Here's what they had to say:

6 pieces of advice for new moms from moms 

1. “Take the help when it’s offered”

One recurring piece of advice from our seasoned community of moms is to accept help when it's offered. Whether it's a family member, friend, or neighbor lending a hand with household chores or watching the baby while you catch up on much-needed rest, don't hesitate to say yes. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child, and accepting support doesn't make you any less capable as a mother!

2. “Be kind to yourself always”

Amidst the chaos of new motherhood, it's easy to be hard on yourself. Remember to practice self-compassion and kindness. You're doing the best you can, and it's okay to make mistakes along the way. Treat yourself with the same love and patience you show your little one.

3. “Everything is new. You’re learning with your baby so it’s okay to feel overwhelmed”

Parenthood doesn't come with an instruction manual, and every baby is unique. It's normal to feel overwhelmed as you navigate this uncharted territory. Remember that you're learning and growing alongside your baby, so take each day as it comes, and don't be afraid to ask for help or seek advice when needed.

4. “You go this. You don’t need anyone else believing in you but you mama”

One of the most empowering pieces of advice for new moms is to trust in your own abilities. You are stronger and more capable than you realize. So, believe in yourself and your instincts as a mother. You've got this, mama!

5. “If you do have visitors, you keep the baby and they do house chores for you!!” 

If you have visitors during the early days, weeks, or months of motherhood, don't be shy about delegating household chores. While friends and family members may be eager to cuddle the baby so you can “do things”, they'll likely be equally willing to lend a hand with cooking, cleaning, or running errands. Remember, your focus should be on bonding with your newborn, not stressing over household tasks - so don’t be shy to ask them to lend a hand!

6. “Talk to someone about what you’re going through and be honest”

Last but certainly not least, don't hesitate to talk about what you're going through. Whether it's with your partner, a trusted friend, or a professional, sharing your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly cathartic. Be honest about the challenges you're facing and don't be afraid to ask for support when you need it.

Remember to take the advice of experienced mothers to heart, but also trust in your own instincts. You are capable, resilient, and deserving of all the love and support in the world. Embrace each moment, cherish the memories, and know that you're not alone on this beautiful journey called motherhood.

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