Fresh Air Is Good For Your Baby; Get Outside More With The Bugaboo Fox 5

You might have seen a recent viral TikTok that sparked conversation around a Nordic tradition; leaving babies outside for their naps (in the winter!). The idea behind the tradition is that having babies spend time outside alone made them more independent and helped to regulate their breathing. And that got us thinking… should we be spending more time outside with our babies?! 

Actually, yes! Getting outside, breathing in the fresh air, and exploring new environments are scientifically proven to be good for your baby and for you. But we know that can be easier said than done and some days getting outside with baby can seem like an almost impossible task. That’s why you need to find your ‘why’. 

There are two types of motivation; extrinsic and intrinsic.

  • Extrinsic motivation means being motivated by external factors, such as a reward like a good grade or positive feedback

  • Intrinsic motivation means being motivated by internal factors, like finding something fulfilling, enjoyable, or meaningful

Studies show that having intrinsic motivation can increase persistence, improve psychological wellbeing, and enhance overall performance. 

So, to help you find your inner motivation when it comes to getting outside and breathing that fresh air with baby, we’re sharing 5 scientifically proven reasons to spend more time outside with your baby, plus 5 tips to get your outdoor routine up and running – including our top pick for an all-terrain pushchair, the Bugaboo Fox 5

Psst. Find out more about intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation and the reason you should understand your ‘why’ here.

5 reasons to spend more time outside with your baby 

#1: New surroundings, sights, and smells help your baby’s development 

Being outside is an exciting sensory experience for both babies and toddlers. Babies will enjoy looking around as you walk, whilst toddlers enjoy exploring different spaces and getting to know the sounds and smells of nature. It’s important for babies and young children to learn and gain experience through all their senses.

#2: Fresh air can help your baby sleep better 

Research shows that babies sleep better at night if they’ve had some fresh air and sunshine during the day. We think that’s worth a try! 

#3 Outdoor play can help baby develop motor skills 

When baby is developing and as they become a toddler, they need to use their whole body to develop their gross motor skills. By using their whole bodies children become increasingly confident, agile, and flexible. As your baby gets older, being outside gives them the space to start walking, running, and jumping around. 

#4: Spending time outdoors can be a great way for you and baby to make friends & socialize 

When you’re a new mum, it can be difficult to find time for your social life. Getting outside is also a good opportunity for you to get some gentle exercise and meet new friends and other mamas. If you’re not sure where to start, you can often find local meetup groups on Facebook, local charities, through local playgroups or classes, and through postings in community centers or libraries. 

As your baby gets older, playing outside can be great socialization & allow them to develop communication and negotiation skills on the playground! 

#5: Being outside helps baby develop an appreciation for nature 

Going for a hike, a walk around your neighborhood or local park, or exploring new areas and appreciating your environment can help your baby develop an appreciation for nature from a young age. And help them learn to cherish and protect the environment around them. 

5 tips for walking outside with your baby 

Walking with baby tip #1: Get an all-terrain stroller. We recommend the Bugaboo Fox 5 pushchair

Pictured: The Bugaboo Fox 5

The first (and biggest) investment you’ll need to make before heading out on long walks with your little one is in the right pushchair. But how do you figure out what the best option is for you? For walking and movement, you'll need something that has strong wheels for all terrains, is lightweight for maneuvering and carrying when needed, plus shade and comfort for the baby. 

We’ve done the research for you: you’re looking for the new Bugaboo Fox 5. Perfect for spending time outdoors and moving your body with your little one and for everyday activities – so you don’t need two pushchairs! 

Why the Bugaboo Fox 5 passed our quality test:

  • It’s perfect for a solo outing: You only need one-hand to fold and unfold the Bugaboo Fox 5, plus you can adjust the handlebar and recline the seat with one hand too.

  • No need to worry about storage: It has a bigger under-seat basket than the Fox 3, ​​so you can easily carry everything you’ll need.

  • You and baby will both be comfortable

    • The advanced carrycot design provides a protective space for your baby from day one, so your newborn will be as comfy as possible 

    • The Bugaboo Fox 5 features a ventilation system that enables air circulation without letting the strong air hit your baby directly 

    • The seat and carrycot are higher, so you’re not reaching for baby when you’re on the move and contributing to backache or pain

  • It’s comfortable for 2 if you have a toddler: Bugaboo’s Fox 5 design has moved the wheeled board attachment points to allow more comfortable space for walking if you have a toddler in tow too!

  • It will last: The Bugaboo Fox 5 is suitable for your newborn, and when they grow,  the footrest and canopy are extendable. Plus it’s made with quality materials designed to last (more on this below!) 

When it comes to sustainability, the Bugaboo Fox 5 is top of the pack. 

Pictured: The Bugaboo Fox 5

If we’re getting outside and enjoying mother nature, we should buy products that support sustainability, right?! 

Bugaboo has hit sustainability from all sides with their latest launch - plus the brand is on track to become net zero by 2035.

Here are some of the highlights that we can get behind: 

  • It’s made with quality materials and PFAS-free water-repellent fabric coating so that it lasts – and on top of that, the design supports repairs and refurbishment

  • The Bugaboo Fox 5 is produced with mass-balanced bio-based materials, which reduces CO2 emissions by 20% compared to the brand’s previous models 

  • The handlebar grips are made of 100% vegetarian leather

Psst. you can find out more about the Bugaboo Fox 5 here. 

Walking with baby tip #2: Pack light, but cover the essentials 

When you’re heading out on a long walk with baby in tow, the trick is packing light, but still making sure to cover the essentials (remember, the Bugaboo Fox 5 has a large under-seat basket so you don’t have to carry your stuff!). 

Here’s what you’ll need before heading out on a long walk with baby:

  • Diaper bag (including a change of clothes) 

Walking with baby tip #3: Make sure baby is dressed for the weather 

A key thing to think about before heading out with baby is what they need to wear to make sure they stay comfortable. The average body temperature for babies and children ranges from 97.9°F (36.6°C) to 99°F (37.2°C), that’s slightly warmer on average than adults.  

What baby should wear if it’s warm: 

  • Light, breathable clothing that covers areas that may be in the sun 

  • A sun hat 

What baby should wear if it’s cold: 

  • Layers, layers, layers!
    When you take your baby outside during the winter, they usually need to be wearing at least as many layers as you are. Layers being the keyword here! If you are going to be switching from indoors to outdoors, then it’s a good idea for your baby to wear lots of light layers that you can take on and off as needed.

  • Mittens
    It’s also important to cover your baby’s hands when they are outside in cold temperatures. If they won’t keep their mittens on (which they often won’t!) then try tucking their hands under a blanket. Remember, their hats and mittens should be taken off once you’re back inside. 

  • Hat
    Wrap them up in a warm hat, too! 

Top tip: be ready whatever the weather! Pack extra layers, a change of clothes, and raincoats to be prepared for a quick change in the forecast. 

Signs your baby is too hot: 

  • The skin on the back of their neck or chest is hot

  • They are clammy or sweaty

Signs your baby is too cold: 

  • They may look pale in the face

  • Their lips might be blue

  • They may be irritable or not feeding well

  • They may be less active than normal

Learn more about keeping your baby at the right temperature here

Walking with baby tip #4: Decide where you want to go 

With an all-terrain stroller like the Bugaboo Fox 5, the possibilities of where to go are endless. Here are some tips on how to choose where you want to walk:

  • Decide on the starting point for your walk. Are you starting from home or driving to a nearby park? That will help you know what to pack and how to get ready. 

  • Plan a circular route if you can. Instead of walking from point A to point B and back, try to walk in a big circle as this will make all of your walk interesting and new, giving baby more sights, sounds, and smells to take in. 

  • Check any opening times before you set off. Search up local park times and any places you may want to stop along the way to check that they’re open. 

Walking with baby tip #5: Track your movement

One of the best things about moving your body? Looking back at what you’ve accomplished and building on your movement goals over time. Set your workout on your smartwatch or phone & watch the steps roll in! Plus, you can add your workout in the Baby2Body app so that it counts towards your weekly movement goal. Every step counts, mama. 

Are you heading out on a walk? Thinking of getting the Bugaboo Fox 5 but have a question? Let us know in the comments. 

This post is part of a paid partnership with Bugaboo.

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