10 Tips to Survive the Festive Season with Kids & Dogs

Ah, the festive season! It's a time of joy, celebration, and family gatherings. But if you're a parent with kids and a furry friend, you might also be thinking about the potential chaos ahead. Don't fret! With a little planning and a whole lot of love, you can navigate the holiday season with ease and create unforgettable memories.

In this post , we'll share 10 tips and tricks to ensure everyone, including your four-legged family member, has a delightful time.

This post is from Scooch, the all-in-one subscription to take the guesswork out of caring for your pets.

10 tips to make the holiday season a success with dogs & children

  1. Set Realistic Expectations

    Let's start with the most important thing: managing your expectations. Understand that the festive season can be overwhelming for both children and dogs. There might be loud noises, unfamiliar faces, and a break from the usual routine. Keep this in mind, explain this in advance to your kids, and be prepared for some adjustments. One great way to prepare is to start adjusting your routine ahead of the festive season. If you know you’ll need to walk your dog early to cater to all the afternoon fun, start doing this a few weeks before so you’re well-adjusted.

  2. Exercise and Playtime

    A tired dog is a well-behaved dog. Before the festivities begin, make sure your furry friend gets plenty of exercise. Not to mention for the kids! Start the day with a long walk all together to burn off excess energy. This will help everyone stay calm during the upcoming celebrations.

  3. Childproof the Decorations

    Festive decorations are a source of wonder for kids and dogs, but they can also pose a hazard. Ensure that ornaments, lights, and other decorations are placed out of reach or securely anchored to prevent accidents. Keep an eye out for small, ingestible items that could be harmful to both curious dogs and kids, and avoid purchasing anything that may concern you in the first place.

  4. Create a Safe Space for Your Dog

    With the hustle and bustle of holiday gatherings, it's a good idea to set up a quiet and safe space for your dog to retreat to when they need a break. This can be a cosy corner with their bed, toys, and some water. Make sure everyone in the family knows this is a no-disturb zone for the dog.

  5. Plan for Feeding Time

    With all the delicious holiday treats around, it's important to ensure that your dog's regular feeding schedule is maintained. No matter how tempting it may be to share your festive treats, overindulgence can lead to upset stomachs or worse. Foods us humans love during the holidays, such as chocolate and raisins, are highly toxic to dogs. Inform your children, and guests, to prevent accidental feeding.

  6. Mind the Noise

    Festive celebrations often come with loud music, fireworks, and noisy gatherings. If your dog is sensitive to loud noises, consider providing a safe and quiet space for them. You can also use white noise or soothing music to mask the sounds of celebration.

  7. Teach Kids About Responsible Pet Ownership:

    Remember that the festive season is about love and togetherness. Use this time to educate your children about caring for the family dog. Teach them about feeding, grooming, and the importance of regular exercise even when we’re busy. Involve your kids in dog-related chores, like filling the water bowl or brushing the dog's coat.

  8. Create DIY Dog Treats:

    Get your kids involved in baking homemade dog treats. There are countless easy-to-follow recipes online that use dog-safe ingredients like peanut butter and pumpkin. Let your children shape the treats with holiday-themed cookie cutters for added fun!

  9. Practice Gratitude:

    Use the festive season as an opportunity to teach your kids about gratitude and caring for others, including their furry family member. Consider making a donation to a local animal shelter or volunteering together as a family to give back to the community.

  10.  Schedule One-on-One Time:

    Amid the holiday chaos, make sure you allocate some one-on-one time with your dogs and kids. Whether it's cuddling on the couch or going for a special walk, even if for 5 minutes a day, both will appreciate the dedicated attention.

Surviving the festive season with kids and dogs can be a joyous experience with a bit of preparation and patience. By setting realistic expectations, creating a safe and festive environment, and maintaining routines, you can ensure that both your children and your furry friend have a wonderful time celebrating together. Embrace the chaos, cherish the moments, and make lasting memories with your whole family. Happy holidays!

Have a question about surviving the festive season with kids and dogs? Let us know in the comments! 

This post was written as a partnership between Scooch and Baby2Body. 

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